

There are over 2.1 billion presbyopes worldwide. Looking into the shortcomings, eyecare providers have a unique opportunity and responsibility improving their quality of life.

Presbyopia along with dysfunctional lens syndrome is treated keeping refractive status of patient in mind.

  • Hyperopic patient treated with an earlier lens based procedure, myopes have a higher threshold for lens procedure and lower threshold for cornea based procedure or ICL.

The surgical options that can be considered for presbyopia management are:

  • Monovision (for patients in 40-50 age group)
  • Inlays (Kamra inlay, Flexivue Microlens)
  • Lens based- Trifocal lenses, EDOF lenses, presbyopia correcting refractive implants

The pharmacologic treatment under development are:

  • AGN-190584(Allergan): It is an optimised formulation of pilocarpine
  • Microline(Eyenovia)
  • Nyxol (Ocuphire Pharma): Preservative free ophthalmic solution of 0.75%-1% phentolamine.
  • CSF-1 (Orasis Pharmaceuticals)
  • PRX-100( Presbyopia Therapies)
  • BRIMOCHOL (Visus Therapeutics)

Reference Source – https://www.eyeworld.org/2021/presbyopia-treatment-options-now-and-on-the-horizon/

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